'New in Golf 5.1 (Sept. 1992) The ENTER key can be used as a shortcut for UNDO.The background color of the game window can now be controlled using a new menu, Background. This appears as a submenu on the Options menu.Animation is provided when a moving card or pile is released but is not on a legal destination. The speed of this animation is controlled using a new menu, Return.CorrectionsDragging cards bombed if the game window extended below the screen.NFNTs should prevent conflicts with fonts installed in the System.Sound should now play on non-ASC Macs.New in Golf 5.0 (Jan. 1992) CorrectionsA number of minor bugs have been corrected.EnhancementsA new option, Fast Deal, speeds up playing games by dealing the cards as fast as the Macintosh can draw them.Golf is now System 7.0-friendly.Golf has been tested for compatibility with 32-bit addressing.Color icons have been added, and under System 7 the Help menu is added to the system Help menu.Balloon help has been added for menu items and buttons in the Scores window.New In Golf 2.0 (October 1988)Bug fixesFixed possible problem opening Help in low-memory situations.EnhancementsThis version of Golf is "MultiFinder Aware", offering maximum compatibility with Apple's MultiFinder system software.Two new menus, Red Suits and Card Backs, allow you to choose colors for the Hearts and Diamonds suit symbols and the card back patterns. For visibility on black and white displays, Black is replaced with a grey pattern. With System file 4.1 and above, these menus appear as hierarchical menus under the Options Menu instead of in the Menu Bar.Golf will remember the positions of the game and score windows from one run to the next.Golf will remember the settings of menu options (Show Score, Sound On, Red Suits and Card Backs) from one run to the next.Three new File menu items, New… Open…, and Close, support separate "Deck" files which may contain customized (or colorized) face cards. Deck files also contain the player names, as well as the "memory" for window positions and option settings, and serve as the medium to maintain personalized configurations for the game.You can use the new "Replay" button in the Scores window to play the next hand without shuffling the deck.Double-clicking on a card in the tableau moves that card to the wastepile automatically, if it is a legal move.The Game window can be resized by dragging the lower right corner or by clicking in the Zoom Box in the upper right corner.The number of cards remaining in the deck is now always visible.